Device & Virtue

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S4E3 - Can We Do Communion Online? Coronavirus & Church Live-Streaming

Did your church cancel services last weekend? With coronavirus, worship went online in unprecedented numbers, and social distancing has us all asking, “Can real church happen on the Internet?”

The coronavirus may do more than infect our bodies. It may have a lasting effect on church theology around the world. Even while we long to gather together in person, we’re finding ways to still connect in real, meaningful ways.

Plus, why is COVID-19 different than earlier pandemics? And what role has social media played in its spread?

Adam & Chris jump in for a unplanned, self-quarantine episode to talk about all the craziness, and the tech & theology questions the coronavirus has brought up.


Wanna compare COVID-19 to earlier outbreaks? Here’s a good article to get you started.

Check out this Coronavirus Simulator from the Washington Post (no paywall). Compare quarantining to social distancing, and see which one is more effective.

Here’s a Twitter thread from DV friend Dr. Karen O’Donnell with more academic sources for thinking about online sacraments.


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Photo credit: Terje Sollie