Adam & Chris Met on the Internet.
It’s funny because it’s true.
Back when blogs we still shiny and new, Chris—early adopter that he is—started one called TheoDigital to explore the intersection of digital technology and his research in theology.
Adam was too, blogging at his site The Second Eclectic. Their friendship started in the comments section.
After five years of arguing back and forth on their respective—and mostly respectful—blogs, they discovered they both had ties to Chicago, so they finally met IRL.
Does their friendship affect the podcast? You bet—different opinions aren’t new to them. Arguments are just par for the course.
Device & Virtue features Adam & Chris arguing their way to an understanding of Christian faith and daily tech. There’s two sides to every device. But for Christians, there’s a third way. Device & Virtue is just the latest iteration of the coffee-shop conversations they’ve been having for ten years.
Chris Ridgeway
Chris (MA Theology & Culture) writes and speaks at the intersection of technology and theology, communications & ethics. He’s worked in Microsoft certified consulting, in executive leadership for Christian non-profits, marketing & communications, pastoral ministry, and as an academic researcher for biblical scholar Scot McKnight.
Chris wrote a cover story for Christianity Today magazine on Fixing Our Privacy Settings proposing a Christian ethical lens for digital privacy. He moderated the Veritas Forum at Northwestern University on “Exploring Humanity’s Relationship to A.I.” Past talks and articles include “What Would Jesus Tweet?” and “How (Not) To Preach About Technology” and “Online Communion Can Still Be Sacramental.” He is on the leadership board for FaithTech Chicago.
Chris lives in downtown Chicago and is active in civic engagement with justice and urban transportation.
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Adam Graber
Adam (MA Digital Theology) is a consultant in Digital Theology with Leadership Network and FaithTech, and a coach at Wheaton College’s Center for Faith & Innovation.
Adam researches and writes on emerging technologies, and consults with Christian leaders on digital spiritual formation. He has developed tech courses for Northern Seminary and Fuller Seminary.
He speaks regularly on everything from the Metaverse to evangelism chatbots. He has written for Christianity Today, The Bulwark, Relevant, Christ and Pop Culture, and others. He has a Masters in Digital Theology from Durham University, previously worked in Bible publishing, and still gets Netflix DVDs by mail.
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